Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

It is no secret that the key to a vibrant economy, and the sustainable job growth that goes with it is for the government to create a welcoming environment for current and potential businesses. We can start by reviewing the large collection of regulations that often place heavy burdens on the job-creators. Those that are necessary for the safety of employees and the public, or for the protection of fair business practices, will stay; others that place undue burdens on these companies must be repealed.

I will work to ensure that Massachusetts is looked upon as a desirable place to do business. The first order of business will be to bring the tax rates back down to 5%. This is where they were before the "temporary" increase in the '80's, and this is the level that the people voted to restore. Its time the Legislature show some respect for the people.
